Is it possible to display the task bars with a gradient color

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #12/31/2009#
		.LevelCount = 2
		.PaneWidth(False) = 96
		.Bars.Copy "Task","TaskO"
		With .Bars.Item("Task")
			.Pattern = PatternEnum.exPatternGradientVBox Or PatternEnum.exPatternBox Or PatternEnum.exPatternShadow
			.StartColor = RGB(255,255,255)
			.EndColor = .Color
		End With
	End With
	.Columns.Add "Types"
	With .Items
		.AddBar .AddItem("Original"),"TaskO",#1/4/2010#,#1/9/2010#,""
		.AddBar .AddItem("Pattern Gradient"),"Task",#1/4/2010#,#1/9/2010#,""
		.AddBar .AddItem("Original"),"TaskO",#1/4/2010#,#1/9/2010#,""
	End With
End With
How can I know the type of bars I can displays using predefined patterns

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #12/31/2009#
		.LevelCount = 2
		.PaneWidth(False) = 96
		With .Bars
			.Add("Box").Pattern = exPatternBox
			.Add("ThickBox").Pattern = PatternEnum.exPatternThickBox Or PatternEnum.exPatternBox
			.Add("DiagBox").Pattern = PatternEnum.exPatternThickBox Or PatternEnum.exPatternBDiagonal
			.Copy("Task","Shadow").Pattern = PatternEnum.exPatternFrameShadow Or PatternEnum.exPatternShadow
			.Copy("Task","TShadow").Pattern = PatternEnum.exPatternFrameShadow Or PatternEnum.exPatternThickBox Or PatternEnum.exPatternDiagCross
			With .Add("HGrad1")
				.Pattern = exPatternBox
				.StartColor = RGB(255,255,255)
				.EndColor = RGB(0,0,255)
			End With
			With .Add("HGrad2")
				.Pattern = PatternEnum.exPatternBox Or PatternEnum.exPatternShadow
				.StartColor = RGB(255,255,255)
				.EndColor = RGB(0,0,255)
				.Color = RGB(0,0,255)
			End With
			With .Add("HGrad3")
				.Pattern = PatternEnum.exPatternGradient3Colors Or PatternEnum.exPatternBox Or PatternEnum.exPatternShadow
				.StartColor = RGB(255,255,255)
				.EndColor = .StartColor
				.Color = RGB(0,0,255)
			End With
			With .Add("HGrad4")
				.Pattern = PatternEnum.exPatternThickBox Or PatternEnum.exPatternGradient3Colors Or PatternEnum.exPatternBox
				.StartColor = RGB(255,255,255)
				.EndColor = .StartColor
				.Color = RGB(0,0,255)
			End With
			With .Add("HGrad5")
				.Pattern = PatternEnum.exPatternFrameShadow Or PatternEnum.exPatternGradient3Colors Or PatternEnum.exPatternBox
				.StartColor = RGB(0,255,0)
				.EndColor = RGB(255,0,0)
				.Color = RGB(0,0,255)
			End With
			With .Add("VGrad1")
				.Pattern = PatternEnum.exPatternGradientVBox Or PatternEnum.exPatternBox
				.StartColor = RGB(255,255,255)
				.EndColor = RGB(0,0,255)
				.Height = 14
			End With
			With .Add("VGrad2")
				.Pattern = PatternEnum.exPatternGradientVBox Or PatternEnum.exPatternBox Or PatternEnum.exPatternShadow
				.StartColor = RGB(255,255,255)
				.EndColor = RGB(0,0,255)
				.Color = RGB(0,0,255)
				.Height = 14
			End With
			With .Add("VGrad3")
				.Pattern = PatternEnum.exPatternGradient3Colors Or PatternEnum.exPatternGradientVBox Or PatternEnum.exPatternBox Or PatternEnum.exPatternShadow
				.StartColor = RGB(255,255,255)
				.EndColor = .StartColor
				.Color = RGB(0,0,255)
				.Height = 14
			End With
			With .Add("VGrad4")
				.Pattern = PatternEnum.exPatternThickBox Or PatternEnum.exPatternGradient3Colors Or PatternEnum.exPatternGradientVBox Or PatternEnum.exPatternBox
				.StartColor = RGB(255,255,255)
				.EndColor = .StartColor
				.Color = RGB(0,0,255)
				.Height = -1
			End With
			With .Add("VGrad5")
				.Pattern = PatternEnum.exPatternFrameShadow Or PatternEnum.exPatternGradient3Colors Or PatternEnum.exPatternGradientVBox Or PatternEnum.exPatternBox
				.StartColor = RGB(0,255,0)
				.EndColor = RGB(255,0,0)
				.Color = RGB(0,0,255)
				.Height = 14
			End With
		End With
	End With
	.Columns.Add "Types"
	With .Items
		.AddBar .AddItem("Box"),"Box",#1/4/2010#,#1/9/2010#,""
		.AddBar .AddItem("Thick Box"),"ThickBox",#1/4/2010#,#1/9/2010#,""
		.AddBar .AddItem("Thick Box Diag"),"DiagBox",#1/4/2010#,#1/9/2010#,""
		.AddBar .AddItem("Shadow"),"Shadow",#1/4/2010#,#1/9/2010#,""
		.AddBar .AddItem("Thick Shadow"),"TShadow",#1/4/2010#,#1/9/2010#,""
		.AddBar .AddItem("Solid Gradient"),"HGrad1",#1/4/2010#,#1/9/2010#,""
		.AddBar .AddItem("Pattern Gradient"),"HGrad2",#1/4/2010#,#1/9/2010#,""
		.AddBar .AddItem("Pattern Gradient 3 Colors"),"HGrad3",#1/4/2010#,#1/9/2010#,""
		.AddBar .AddItem("Solid Gradient 3 Colors"),"HGrad4",#1/4/2010#,#1/9/2010#,""
		.AddBar .AddItem("Gradient Shadow"),"HGrad5",#1/4/2010#,#1/9/2010#,""
		.AddBar .AddItem("Solid Gradient"),"VGrad1",#1/4/2010#,#1/9/2010#,""
		.AddBar .AddItem("Pattern Gradient"),"VGrad2",#1/4/2010#,#1/9/2010#,""
		.AddBar .AddItem("Pattern Gradient 3 Colors"),"VGrad3",#1/4/2010#,#1/9/2010#,""
		.AddBar .AddItem("Solid Gradient 3 Colors"),"VGrad4",#1/4/2010#,#1/9/2010#,""
		.AddBar .AddItem("Gradient Shadow"),"VGrad5",#1/4/2010#,#1/9/2010#,""
	End With
End With
Is it possible to display the bars with a thicker border

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	.Chart.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
	.Chart.PaneWidth(False) = 48
	.Chart.Bars.Copy("Task","TaskB").Pattern = PatternEnum.exPatternThickBox Or PatternEnum.exPatternShadow
	With .Items
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task 1"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,""
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task 2"),"TaskB",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,""
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task 3"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,""
	End With
End With
Is it possible to display the shadow for EBN bars

With G2antt1
	.VisualAppearance.Add 1,"c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn"
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	.Chart.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
	.Chart.PaneWidth(False) = 48
	With .Chart.Bars.Copy("Task","EBN")
		.Color = &H1000000
		.Pattern = exPatternFrameShadow
	End With
	.Chart.Bars.Copy("Task","EBN2").Color = &H1000000
	With .Items
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task 1"),"EBN2",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,""
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task 2"),"EBN",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,""
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task 3"),"EBN2",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,""
	End With
End With
Can I display a shadow for my bars

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	.Chart.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
	.Chart.PaneWidth(False) = 48
	.Chart.Bars.Item("Task").Pattern = PatternEnum.exPatternFrameShadow Or PatternEnum.exPatternShadow
	With .Items
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task 1"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,""
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task 2"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,""
	End With
End With
How can I use the Color property for gradient bars

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	.Chart.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
	.Chart.PaneWidth(False) = 48
	With .Chart.Bars.Add("V")
		.Color = RGB(255,0,0)
		.StartColor = RGB(0,255,0)
		.EndColor = .StartColor
		.Pattern = PatternEnum.exPatternGradient3Colors Or PatternEnum.exPatternGradientVBox Or PatternEnum.exPatternBox
		.Height = -1
	End With
	With .Chart.Bars.Add("H")
		.Color = RGB(255,0,0)
		.StartColor = RGB(0,255,0)
		.EndColor = .StartColor
		.Pattern = PatternEnum.exPatternGradient3Colors Or PatternEnum.exPatternBox
	End With
	With .Items
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task 1"),"V",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,""
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task 2"),"H",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,""
	End With
End With
Is there any option to show bars with vertical gradient

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	.Chart.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
	With .Chart.Bars.Item("Task")
		.Color = RGB(255,0,0)
		.StartColor = RGB(0,255,0)
		.EndColor = RGB(255,255,0)
		.Pattern = PatternEnum.exPatternGradientVBox Or PatternEnum.exPatternBox
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Task")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,""
	End With
End With
How can I define a new milestone bar

With G2antt1
	.Images "gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTq" & _
"lVq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m" & _
"0ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qOx3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/y" & _
	.Chart.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
	With .Chart.Bars
		.AddShapeCorner 12345,1
		.AddShapeCorner 12346,2
		.Copy("Milestone","M1").StartShape = &H3020 Or ShapeCornerEnum.exShapeIconVBar Or ShapeCornerEnum.exShapeIconRight
		.Copy("Milestone","M2").StartShape = &H3020 Or ShapeCornerEnum.exShapeIconSquare Or ShapeCornerEnum.exShapeIconRight
		With .Copy("Milestone","MP")
			.StartShape = exShapeIconStar
			.StartColor = RGB(255,0,0)
		End With
	End With
	.Columns.Add "Column"
	With .Items
		.AddBar .AddItem("Default"),"Milestone",#1/2/2001#,#1/2/2001#
		.AddBar .AddItem("Predefined"),"MP",#1/3/2001#,#1/3/2001#
		.AddBar .AddItem("Custom 1"),"M1",#1/4/2001#,#1/4/2001#
		.AddBar .AddItem("Custom 2"),"M2",#1/5/2001#,#1/5/2001#
	End With
End With
How can I define my milestone bar, using my icons or pictures
With G2antt1
	.Images "gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTq" & _
"lVq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m" & _
"0ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qOx3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/y" & _
	.Chart.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
	With .Chart.Bars
		.AddShapeCorner 12345,1
		.Item("Milestone").StartShape = &H3020 Or ShapeCornerEnum.exShapeIconVBar Or ShapeCornerEnum.exShapeIconRight
	End With
	.Columns.Add "Column"
	With .Items
		.AddBar .AddItem("Item 1"),"Milestone",#1/2/2001#,#1/2/2001#
	End With
End With
Is it possible to specify manually non-working days instead using the NonworkingDays as being repetitive

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2010#
		.PaneWidth(0) = 0
		.LevelCount = 2
		.Level(0).DrawGridLines = True
		.ShowNonworkingUnits = False
		.ShowNonworkingDates = False
		.NonworkingDays = 0
		.AddNonworkingDate #1/10/2010#
		.AddNonworkingDate #1/11/2010#
		.AddNonworkingDate #1/15/2010#
		.AddNonworkingDate #1/16/2010#
	End With
End With
Is it possible to hide specific days

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2010#
		.PaneWidth(0) = 0
		.LevelCount = 2
		.Level(0).DrawGridLines = True
		.ShowNonworkingUnits = False
		.ShowNonworkingDates = False
		.NonworkingDays = 128
		.AddNonworkingDate #1/10/2010#
		.AddNonworkingDate #1/11/2010#
		.AddNonworkingDate #1/15/2010#
		.AddNonworkingDate #1/16/2010#
	End With
End With
Is it possible to show or display the marked zones ONLY in the overview part of the control

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	With .Chart
		.LevelCount = 2
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/14/2001#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		.AllowLinkBars = False
		.AllowCreateBar = exNoCreateBar
		.OverviewVisible = exOverviewShowAllVisible
		.Bars.Item("Task").Pattern = exPatternSolid
		.MarkTimeZone "Z1",#1/3/2001#,#1/4/2001#,.BackColor,";;Zone <b>1</b>"
		.MarkTimeZone "Z2",#2/6/2001#,#2/7/2001#,.BackColor,";;Zone <b>2</b>"
		.MarkTimeZone "Z3",#1/16/2001#,#1/19/2001#,.BackColor,";;Zone <b>3</b>"
		.OverviewShowMarkTimeZones = True
		.OverviewBackColor = RGB(220,240,240)
	End With
	With .Items
		h1 = .AddItem("Task 1")
		.AddBar h1,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,"K1"
		h2 = .AddItem("Task 2")
		.AddBar h2,"Task",#2/5/2001#,#2/8/2001#,"K2"
		.AddLink "L1",h1,"K1",h2,"K2"
	End With
End With
Is it possible to show or display the marked zones in the overview part of the control

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	With .Chart
		.LevelCount = 2
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/14/2001#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		.AllowLinkBars = False
		.AllowCreateBar = exNoCreateBar
		.OverviewVisible = exOverviewShowAllVisible
		.Bars.Item("Task").Pattern = exPatternSolid
		.MarkTimeZone "Z1",#1/3/2001#,#1/4/2001#,16777056
		.MarkTimeZone "Z2",#2/6/2001#,#2/7/2001#,16744544
		.MarkTimeZone "Z3",#1/16/2001#,#1/19/2001#,16744544
		.OverviewShowMarkTimeZones = True
	End With
	With .Items
		h1 = .AddItem("Task 1")
		.AddBar h1,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,"K1"
		h2 = .AddItem("Task 2")
		.AddBar h2,"Task",#2/5/2001#,#2/8/2001#,"K2"
		.AddLink "L1",h1,"K1",h2,"K2"
	End With
End With
Is there a quick way to determine if a bar belongs to a group
With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 64
	End With
	With .Items
		h1 = .AddItem("Task 1")
		.AddBar h1,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,"K1"
		h2 = .AddItem("Task 2")
		.AddBar h2,"Task",#1/5/2001#,#1/7/2001#,"K2"
		h3 = .AddItem("Task 3")
		.AddBar h3,"Task",#1/5/2001#,#1/7/2001#,"K3"
		.GroupBars h1,"K1",True,h2,"K2",True
		.GroupBars h1,"K1",False,h2,"K2",False
		.GroupBars h1,"K1",True,h3,"K3",True
		.GroupBars h1,"K1",False,h3,"K3",False
		Debug.Print( .ItemBar(h1,"K1",exBarsGroup) )
	End With
End With
I am using the ScrollRange property to limit the chart's visible area, but it does not work as expected. What could be wrong
With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	With .Chart
		.LevelCount = 2
		.PaneWidth(0) = 56
		.ScrollRange(exStartDate) = #1/1/100#
		.ScrollRange(exEndDate) = #12/31/9999#
		.FirstVisibleDate = #4/28/2010#
	End With
	.ScrollPartCaption(exHChartScroll,exLowerBackPart) = .Chart.ScrollRange(exStartDate)
	.ScrollPartCaptionAlignment(exHChartScroll,exLowerBackPart) = LeftAlignment
	.ScrollPartCaption(exHChartScroll,exUpperBackPart) = .Chart.ScrollRange(exEndDate)
	.ScrollPartCaptionAlignment(exHChartScroll,exUpperBackPart) = RightAlignment
End With
Are you planning to add a AddNonworkingDate / AddNonworkingDay for separate items

With G2antt1
	.AllowChartScrollPage = True
	.Columns.Add "Non-Work"
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #4/4/2009#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 52
		.LevelCount = 2
	End With
	With .Items
		.AddItem "Default"
		.ItemNonworkingUnits(.AddItem("Test 1"),False) = "shortdate(value) in (#4/5/2009#,#4/6/2009#)"
		.ItemNonworkingUnits(.AddItem("Test 2"),False) = "shortdate(value) in (#4/6/2009#,#4/7/2009#)"
		.ItemNonworkingUnits(.AddItem("Test 3"),False) = "shortdate(value) in (#4/7/2009#,#4/9/2009#)"
		.AddItem "Default"
	End With
End With
How can I enlarge the EBN being applied to an object

With G2antt1
	.DefaultItemHeight = 32
	With .VisualAppearance
		.Add 2,"c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn"
		.Add 1,"CP:2 -3 -2 3 2"
	End With
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2002#
		.SelBarColor = &H1000000
		.PaneWidth(0) = 48
	End With
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Task 1")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2002#,#1/4/2002#,"A"
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/6/2002#,#1/10/2002#,"B"
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/11/2002#,#1/14/2002#,"C"
		.ItemBar(h,"A",exBarSelected) = True
		.ItemBar(h,"B",exBarSelected) = True
	End With
End With
I am using EBN to display my bars but the bars shows in black in the overview area. Is there any option to specify a different color in the overview part of the control

With G2antt1
	.VisualAppearance.Add 1,"c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn"
	With .Chart
		.Bars.Item("Task").Color = &H1000000
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		.OverviewVisible = exOverviewShowAllVisible
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/11/2001#
		.LevelCount = 2
	End With
	.Columns.Add "Column"
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Task 1")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,1
		.ItemBar(h,1,exBarOverviewColor) = 8821418
		.AddBar h,"Task",#2/2/2001#,#2/4/2001#,2
		.ItemBar(h,2,exBarOverviewColor) = 8821418
		h = .AddItem("Task 2")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#2/2/2001#,#2/4/2001#,""
		.ItemBar(h,"",exBarOverviewColor) = 8821418
	End With
End With
I haven't found options to localize (in Italian) the strings ( dates, tooltip ) that shows in the chart area

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.LevelCount = 2
		.PaneWidth(False) = 0
		.Label(exWeek) = "<|><%ww%><|><%d%> <%m3%> '<%yy%><r><%ww%><|><%d%> <%mmmm%> <%yyyy%><r><%ww%><||><||>256"
		.Label(exDay) = "<|><%d1%><|><%d2%><|><%d3%><|><%dddd%><|><%d3%> <%d%> <%m3%> '<%yy%><|><%dddd%> <%d%> <%mmmm%> <%yyyy%><||><||>4096"
		.LabelToolTip(exWeek) = "<%d%> <%mmmm%> <%yyyy%> <%ww%>"
		.LabelToolTip(exDay) = "<%dddd%> <%d%> <%mmmm%> <%yyyy%>"
		.FirstWeekDay = exMonday
		.MonthNames = "gennaio febbraio marzo aprile maggio giugno luglio agosto settembre ottobre novembre dicembre"
		.WeekDays = "domenica lunedì martedì mercoledì giovedì venerdì sabato"
		.ToolTip = "<%dddd%> <%d%> <%mmmm%> <%yyyy%>"
		.UnitScale = exDay
	End With
End With
I haven't found options to localize (in Dutch) the strings ( dates, tooltip ) that shows in the chart area

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.LevelCount = 2
		.PaneWidth(False) = 0
		.Label(exWeek) = "<|><%ww%><|><%d%> <%m3%> '<%yy%><r><%ww%><|><%d%> <%mmmm%> <%yyyy%><r><%ww%><||><||>256"
		.Label(exDay) = "<|><%d1%><|><%d2%><|><%d3%><|><%dddd%><|><%d3%> <%d%> <%m3%> '<%yy%><|><%dddd%> <%d%> <%mmmm%> <%yyyy%><||><||>4096"
		.LabelToolTip(exWeek) = "<%d%> <%mmmm%> <%yyyy%> <%ww%>"
		.LabelToolTip(exDay) = "<%dddd%> <%d%> <%mmmm%> <%yyyy%>"
		.FirstWeekDay = exMonday
		.MonthNames = "januari februari maart april mei juni juli augusts september oktober november december"
		.WeekDays = "zondag maandag dinsdag woensdag donderdag vrijdag zaterdag"
		.ToolTip = "<%dddd%> <%d%> <%mmmm%> <%yyyy%>"
		.UnitScale = exDay
	End With
End With
I haven't found options to localize (in German) the strings ( dates, tooltip ) that shows in the chart area (method 1)

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.LevelCount = 2
		.PaneWidth(False) = 0
		.Label(exWeek) = "<|><%ww%><|><%d%> <%m3%> '<%yy%><r><%ww%><|><%d%>.<%mmmm%> <%yyyy%><r><%ww%><||><||>256"
		.Label(exDay) = "<|><%d1%><|><%d2%><|><%d3%><|><%dddd%><|><%d3%> <%d%>.<%m3%> '<%yy%><|><%dddd%> <%d%>.<%mmmm%> <%yyyy%><||><||>4096"
		.LabelToolTip(exWeek) = "<%d%>.<%mmmm%> <%yyyy%> <%ww%>"
		.LabelToolTip(exDay) = "<%dddd%>, <%d%>.<%mmmm%> <%yyyy%>"
		.FirstWeekDay = exMonday
		.MonthNames = "Januar Februar März April Mai Juni Juli August September Oktober November Dezember"
		.WeekDays = "Sonntag Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag Samstag"
		.ToolTip = "<%dddd%>,<%d%>.<%mmmm%> <%yyyy%>"
		.UnitScale = exDay
	End With
End With
I haven't found options to localize (in French) the strings ( dates, tooltip ) that shows in the chart area

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.LevelCount = 2
		.PaneWidth(False) = 0
		.Label(exWeek) = "<|><%ww%><|><%d%> <%m3%> '<%yy%><r><%ww%><|><%d%> <%mmmm%> <%yyyy%><r><%ww%><||><||>256"
		.Label(exDay) = "<|><%d1%><|><%d2%><|><%d3%><|><%dddd%><|><%d3%> <%d%> <%m3%> '<%yy%><|><%dddd%> <%d%> <%mmmm%> <%yyyy%><||><||>4096"
		.LabelToolTip(exWeek) = "<%d%> <%mmmm%> <%yyyy%> <%ww%>"
		.LabelToolTip(exDay) = "<%dddd%> <%d%> <%mmmm%> <%yyyy%>"
		.FirstWeekDay = exMonday
		.MonthNames = "janvier février mars avril mai juin juillet août septembre octobre novembre décembre"
		.WeekDays = "dimanche lundi mardi mercredi jeudi vendredi samedi"
		.ToolTip = "<%dddd%> <%d%> <%mmmm%> <%yyyy%>"
		.UnitScale = exDay
	End With
End With
How can I determine the last visible date in the chart
' MouseMove event - Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Private Sub G2antt1_MouseMove(Button As Integer,Shift As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "First" )
		Debug.Print( .Chart.FirstVisibleDate )
		Debug.Print( "Last" )
		Debug.Print( .Chart.DateFromPoint(1,-1) )
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.LevelCount = 2
		.PaneWidth(False) = 1
	End With
End With
How can I filter programatically using more columns
With G2antt1
	.Chart.PaneWidth(True) = 0
	.MarkSearchColumn = False
	With .Columns
		.Add "Car"
		.Add "Equipment"
	End With
	With .Items
		.CellValue(.AddItem("Mazda"),1) = "Air Bag"
		.CellValue(.AddItem("Toyota"),1) = "Air Bag,Air condition"
		.CellValue(.AddItem("Ford"),1) = "Air condition"
		.CellValue(.AddItem("Nissan"),1) = "Air Bag,ABS,ESP"
		.CellValue(.AddItem("Mazda"),1) = "Air Bag, ABS,ESP"
		.CellValue(.AddItem("Mazda"),1) = "ABS,ESP"
	End With
	With .Columns.Item("Car")
		.FilterType = exFilter
		.Filter = "Mazda"
	End With
	With .Columns.Item("Equipment")
		.FilterType = exPattern
		.Filter = "*ABS*|*ESP*"
	End With
End With
Do you have scheduling functionality in Gantt (meaning scheduling several activities (bars) depending on their start and finish dates with considering dependencies to other activities
' BarResize event - Occurs when a bar is moved or resized.
Private Sub G2antt1_BarResize(ByVal Item As EXG2ANTTLibCtl.HITEM,ByVal Key As Variant)
	With G2antt1
		.Items.SchedulePDM Item,Key
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	.Items.AllowCellValueToItemBar = True
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	.Columns.Add("Working").Def(exCellValueToItemBarProperty) = 258
	With .Chart
		.Bars.Add("Task:Split").Shortcut = "Task"
		.FirstVisibleDate = #12/28/2000#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 96
		.AllowLinkBars = False
		.AllowCreateBar = exNoCreateBar
	End With
	With .Items
		h1 = .AddItem("Task 1")
		.AddBar h1,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,""
		h2 = .AddItem("Task 2")
		.AddBar h2,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,""
		.AddLink "L1",h1,"",h2,""
		h3 = .AddItem("Task 3")
		.AddBar h3,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,""
		.AddLink "L2",h2,"",h3,""
		.Link("L2",exLinkText) = "FF"
		.Link("L2",exLinkStartPos) = 2
		.Link("L2",exLinkEndPos) = 2
		h4 = .AddItem("Task 4")
		.AddBar h4,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,""
		.AddLink "L3",h4,"",h3,""
		.ItemBar(0,"<*>",exBarKeepWorkingCount) = True
		.SchedulePDM .FirstVisibleItem,""
	End With
End With
How can I show the ticks for a single slider field
With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add("Slider").Editor.EditType = SliderType
	With .Items
		.AddItem 10
		With .CellEditor(.AddItem(20),0)
			.EditType = SliderType
			.Option(exSliderTickFrequency) = 10
		End With
		.AddItem 30
	End With
End With
Is it possible to show ticks for slider fields
With G2antt1
	With .Columns.Add("Slider").Editor
		.EditType = SliderType
		.Option(exSliderTickFrequency) = 10
	End With
	.Items.AddItem 10
End With
How can I group two bars so the distance between them is limited to a specified range

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Tasks"
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #9/20/2006#
		.PaneWidth(0) = 48
		.LevelCount = 2
	End With
	With .Items
		h1 = .AddItem("Task 1")
		.AddBar h1,"Task",#9/21/2006#,#9/24/2006#
		h2 = .AddItem("Task 2")
		.AddBar h2,"Unknown",#9/25/2006#,#9/28/2006#
		.AddLink "L1",h1,"",h2,""
		.GroupBars h1,"",False,h2,"",True,31,"1;2"
		Debug.Print( "The distance between A and B is limited between 1 and 3 days" )
		Debug.Print( "The B is always after the A" )
	End With
End With
How can I group two bars so the distance between them is flexible but never less than a specified value

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Tasks"
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #9/20/2006#
		.PaneWidth(0) = 48
		.LevelCount = 2
	End With
	With .Items
		h1 = .AddItem("Task 1")
		.AddBar h1,"Task",#9/21/2006#,#9/24/2006#
		h2 = .AddItem("Task 2")
		.AddBar h2,"Unknown",#9/26/2006#,#9/29/2006#
		.AddLink "L1",h1,"",h2,""
		.GroupBars h1,"",False,h2,"",True,39,"2"
		Debug.Print( "The distance between A and B is never less than 2 days" )
		Debug.Print( "The B is always after the A" )
	End With
End With
How can I group two bars so the distance between them is flexible

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Tasks"
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #9/20/2006#
		.PaneWidth(0) = 48
		.LevelCount = 2
	End With
	With .Items
		h1 = .AddItem("Task 1")
		.AddBar h1,"Task",#9/21/2006#,#9/24/2006#
		h2 = .AddItem("Task 2")
		.AddBar h2,"Unknown",#9/26/2006#,#9/29/2006#
		.AddLink "L1",h1,"",h2,""
		.GroupBars h1,"",False,h2,"",True,39
		Debug.Print( "The distance between A and B is flexible, unlimited" )
		Debug.Print( "The B is always after the A" )
	End With
End With
How can I group two bars so the interval between them is fixed

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Tasks"
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #9/20/2006#
		.PaneWidth(0) = 48
		.LevelCount = 2
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Task 1")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#9/21/2006#,#9/24/2006#,"T1","A"
		.AddBar h,"Unknown",#9/26/2006#,#9/29/2006#,"T2","B"
		.AddLink "L",h,"T1",h,"T2"
		.Link("L",exLinkGroupBars) = 27
		.Link("L",exLinkShowDir) = False
		h2 = .AddItem("Task 2")
		.AddBar h2,"Unknown",#9/26/2006#,#9/29/2006#,"T2","B"
		.AddLink "L2",h,"T1",h2,"T2"
		.Link("L2",exLinkGroupBars) = 27
		.Link("L2",exLinkShowDir) = False
		Debug.Print( "The distance between bars is constant" )
		Debug.Print( "The B is always after the A" )
	End With
End With
How can I group two bars when linking, so moving the first bar will makes the second to move accordingly

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Tasks"
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #9/20/2006#
		.PaneWidth(0) = 48
		.LevelCount = 2
	End With
	With .Items
		h1 = .AddItem("Task 1")
		.AddBar h1,"Task",#9/21/2006#,#9/24/2006#,"","A"
		h2 = .AddItem("Task 2")
		.AddBar h2,"Unknown",#9/26/2006#,#9/29/2006#,"","B"
		.AddLink "L1",h1,"",h2,""
		.Link("L1",exLinkGroupBars) = 39
		Debug.Print( "The distance between A and B is flexible, unlimited" )
		Debug.Print( "The B is always after the A" )
	End With
End With
Is it possible to be notified when the user clicks an anchor element a hyperlink in the date-time zone

' AnchorClick event - Occurs when an anchor element is clicked.
Private Sub G2antt1_AnchorClick(ByVal AnchorID As String,ByVal Options As String)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( "Click: " )
		Debug.Print( AnchorID )
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #12/28/2000#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		.MarkTimeZone "Z",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,15753471,";32;Caption <a1><b>1</b></a>;1;Caption <a2><b>2</b></a>;17;Caption <a3><b>3</b></a>"
	End With
End With
Is it possible to be notified when the user clicks a date-time zone

' Click event - Occurs when the user presses and then releases the left mouse button over the tree control.
Private Sub G2antt1_Click()
	With G2antt1
		With .Chart
			Debug.Print( "Click: " )
			Debug.Print( .TimeZoneFromPoint(-1,-1) )
		End With
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #12/28/2000#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		.MarkTimeZone "Z",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,16711680,";32;DATE-TIME<br>    ZONE"
	End With
End With
Is is possible to display multiple captions in the same date-time zone

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #12/28/2000#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		.MarkTimeZone "Z",#1/5/2001#,#1/8/2001#,12895487,";;Caption <b>1</b>;1;Caption <b>2</b>;17;Caption <b>3</b>"
	End With
End With
Is is possible to align on the top the caption for the date-time zone

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #12/28/2000#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		.MarkTimeZone "Z",#1/5/2001#,#1/8/2001#,12895487,";;UpperCenter;1"
	End With
End With
Is there any option to display a picture on the date-time zone

With G2antt1
	.HTMLPicture("pic1") = "c:\exontrol\images\card.png"
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #12/28/2000#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		.MarkTimeZone "Z",#1/5/2001#,#1/8/2001#,12895487,";;<c><img>pic1</img><br><c>picture"
	End With
End With
Is there any option to display a text or a HTML caption on the date-time zone

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #12/28/2000#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		.MarkTimeZone "Z1",#1/1/2001#,#1/4/2001#,12895487,";;zone <b>1</b>"
		.MarkTimeZone "Z2",#1/5/2001#,#1/8/2001#,12895487,";;zone <b>2</b>"
	End With
End With
How can I display the date-time zone using a semi-transparent EBN object

With G2antt1
	.VisualAppearance.Add 1,"c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn"
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #12/28/2000#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		.AllowLinkBars = False
		.AllowCreateBar = exNoCreateBar
		.Bars.Item("Task").Pattern = exPatternSolid
		.MarkTimeZone "Z1",#1/2/2001#,#1/3/2001#,16777056,";;Solid"
		.MarkTimeZone "Z2",#1/7/2001#,#1/10/2001#,16777216,"50;;EBN"
	End With
	With .Items
		h1 = .AddItem("Task 1")
		.AddBar h1,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,"K1"
		h2 = .AddItem("Task 2")
		.AddBar h2,"Task",#1/5/2001#,#1/8/2001#,"K2"
		.AddLink "L1",h1,"K1",h2,"K2"
	End With
End With
How can I display the date-time zone using an EBN or a skin instead a solid color

With G2antt1
	.VisualAppearance.Add 1,"c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn"
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #12/28/2000#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		.AllowLinkBars = False
		.AllowCreateBar = exNoCreateBar
		.Bars.Item("Task").Pattern = exPatternSolid
		.MarkTimeZone "Z1",#1/2/2001#,#1/3/2001#,16777056,";;Solid"
		.MarkTimeZone "Z2",#1/5/2001#,#1/8/2001#,16777216,";;EBN"
	End With
	With .Items
		h1 = .AddItem("Task 1")
		.AddBar h1,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,"K1"
		h2 = .AddItem("Task 2")
		.AddBar h2,"Task",#1/5/2001#,#1/8/2001#,"K2"
		.AddLink "L1",h1,"K1",h2,"K2"
	End With
End With
How can I display the date-time zone using a pattern instead a solid color

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #12/28/2000#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		.AllowLinkBars = False
		.AllowCreateBar = exNoCreateBar
		.Bars.Item("Task").Pattern = exPatternSolid
		.MarkTimeZone "Z1",#1/2/2001#,#1/3/2001#,16777056,";;Solid"
		.MarkTimeZone "Z2",#1/6/2001#,#1/7/2001#,16777056,";12;Pattern"
	End With
	With .Items
		h1 = .AddItem("Task 1")
		.AddBar h1,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,"K1"
		h2 = .AddItem("Task 2")
		.AddBar h2,"Task",#1/5/2001#,#1/8/2001#,"K2"
		.AddLink "L1",h1,"K1",h2,"K2"
	End With
End With
How can I display the date-time zone using a transparent color

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #12/28/2000#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		.AllowLinkBars = False
		.AllowCreateBar = exNoCreateBar
		.Bars.Item("Task").Pattern = exPatternSolid
		.MarkTimeZone "Z1",#1/2/2001#,#1/3/2001#,16777056,";;Opaque"
		.MarkTimeZone "Z2",#1/6/2001#,#1/7/2001#,16777056,"50;;Semi-Transparent"
	End With
	With .Items
		h1 = .AddItem("Task 1")
		.AddBar h1,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,"K1"
		h2 = .AddItem("Task 2")
		.AddBar h2,"Task",#1/5/2001#,#1/8/2001#,"K2"
		.AddLink "L1",h1,"K1",h2,"K2"
	End With
End With
The date time zone is shown behind the bars, is there any way to show it over

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #12/28/2000#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		.AllowLinkBars = False
		.AllowCreateBar = exNoCreateBar
		.Bars.Item("Task").Pattern = exPatternSolid
		.MarkTimeZone "Z1",#1/2/2001#,#1/3/2001#,16777056
		.MarkTimeZone "Z2",#1/6/2001#,#1/7/2001#,16777056,"1"
	End With
	With .Items
		h1 = .AddItem("Task 1")
		.AddBar h1,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,"K1"
		h2 = .AddItem("Task 2")
		.AddBar h2,"Task",#1/5/2001#,#1/8/2001#,"K2"
		.AddLink "L1",h1,"K1",h2,"K2"
	End With
End With
How can I get ifnromation about a date-time zone
' MouseMove event - Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Private Sub G2antt1_MouseMove(Button As Integer,Shift As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single)
	With G2antt1
		With .Chart
			Debug.Print( .TimeZoneInfo(.TimeZoneFromPoint(-1,-1)) )
		End With
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.PaneWidth(False) = 18
		.LevelCount = 2
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2010#
		.MarkTimeZone "Z1",#1/4/2010#,#1/8/2010#,16744544
		.MarkTimeZone "Z2",#1/12/2010#,#1/18/2010#,16761952
	End With
End With
How can I determine the zone from the cursor
' MouseMove event - Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Private Sub G2antt1_MouseMove(Button As Integer,Shift As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single)
	With G2antt1
		With .Chart
			Debug.Print( .TimeZoneFromPoint(-1,-1) )
		End With
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.PaneWidth(False) = 18
		.LevelCount = 2
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2010#
		.MarkTimeZone "Z1",#1/4/2010#,#1/8/2010#,16744544
		.MarkTimeZone "Z2",#1/12/2010#,#1/18/2010#,16761952
	End With
End With
How can I highlight multiple date-time zones (ranges)

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.PaneWidth(False) = 18
		.LevelCount = 2
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2010#
		.MarkTimeZone "Z1",#1/4/2010#,#1/8/2010#,16744544
		.MarkTimeZone "Z2",#1/12/2010#,#1/18/2010#,16761952
	End With
End With
How can I highlight a date-time range
With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.PaneWidth(False) = 18
		.LevelCount = 2
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2010#
		.MarkTimeZone "Z1",#1/4/2010#,#1/8/2010#,16744544
	End With
End With
How do I get the list of selected date
' ChartEndChanging event - Occurs after the chart has been changed.
Private Sub G2antt1_ChartEndChanging(ByVal Operation As EXG2ANTTLibCtl.BarOperationEnum)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( Operation )
		Debug.Print( .Chart.SelectDates )
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.LevelCount = 2
		.PaneWidth(False) = 0
		.MarkTodayColor = .BackColor
	End With
End With
Is there any function I can use to find the bars that intersect with the current bar

' BarResizing event - Occurs when a bar is moving or resizing.
Private Sub G2antt1_BarResizing(ByVal Item As EXG2ANTTLibCtl.HITEM,ByVal Key As Variant)
	With G2antt1
		With .Items
			Debug.Print( Key )
			Debug.Print( "intesect with" )
			Debug.Print( .ItemBar(Item,Key,exBarIntersectWithAsString) )
		End With
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	.DefaultItemHeight = 22
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	.ScrollBySingleLine = True
	.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
	With .Chart
		.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		.FirstVisibleDate = #12/28/2000#
		.LevelCount = 2
		.Bars.Item("Task").OverlaidType = exOverlaidBarsOffset
		.ResizeUnitScale = exHour
		.AllowCreateBar = exCreateBarAuto
	End With
	With .Items
		h1 = .AddItem("Default")
		.AddBar h1,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,"A1","A1"
		.AddBar h1,"Task",#1/3/2001#,#1/5/2001#,"A2","A2"
		.AddBar h1,"Task",#1/4/2001#,#1/7/2001#,"A3","A3"
	End With
End With
Is it possible to order the bars on top of other bars

With G2antt1
	.DefaultItemHeight = 22
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	.ScrollBySingleLine = True
	.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
	With .Chart
		.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		.FirstVisibleDate = #12/28/2000#
		.LevelCount = 2
		.Bars.Copy("Task","NTask").OverlaidType = exOverlaidBarsOffset
	End With
	With .Items
		h1 = .AddItem("Default")
		.AddBar h1,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,"A1"
		.AddBar h1,"Task",#1/3/2001#,#1/5/2001#,"A2"
		.AddBar h1,"Task",#1/4/2001#,#1/7/2001#,"A3"
		h2 = .AddItem("Overlaid")
		.AddBar h2,"NTask",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,"A1"
		.AddBar h2,"NTask",#1/3/2001#,#1/5/2001#,"A2"
		.AddBar h2,"NTask",#1/4/2001#,#1/7/2001#,"A3"
		.GroupBars h1,"A1",True,h2,"A1",True
		.GroupBars h1,"A1",False,h2,"A1",False
		.GroupBars h1,"A2",True,h2,"A2",True
		.GroupBars h1,"A2",False,h2,"A2",False
		.GroupBars h1,"A3",True,h2,"A3",True
		.GroupBars h1,"A3",False,h2,"A3",False
	End With
End With
Is it possible to order the bars on top of other bars (have different colurs so that they can be seen)

With G2antt1
	.DefaultItemHeight = 22
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	.ScrollBySingleLine = True
	.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
	With .Chart
		.DrawGridLines = exAllLines
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		.FirstVisibleDate = #12/28/2000#
		.LevelCount = 2
		.Bars.Copy("Task","NTask").OverlaidType = OverlaidBarsTypeEnum.exOverlaidBarsStackAutoArrange Or OverlaidBarsTypeEnum.exOverlaidBarsStack
	End With
	With .Items
		h1 = .AddItem("Default")
		.AddBar h1,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,"A1"
		.AddBar h1,"Task",#1/3/2001#,#1/5/2001#,"A2"
		.AddBar h1,"Task",#1/4/2001#,#1/7/2001#,"A3"
		h2 = .AddItem("Overlaid")
		.AddBar h2,"NTask",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,"A1"
		.AddBar h2,"NTask",#1/3/2001#,#1/5/2001#,"A2"
		.AddBar h2,"NTask",#1/4/2001#,#1/7/2001#,"A3"
		.GroupBars h1,"A1",True,h2,"A1",True
		.GroupBars h1,"A1",False,h2,"A1",False
		.GroupBars h1,"A2",True,h2,"A2",True
		.GroupBars h1,"A2",False,h2,"A2",False
		.GroupBars h1,"A3",True,h2,"A3",True
		.GroupBars h1,"A3",False,h2,"A3",False
	End With
End With
Is it possible to layer bars on top of other bars (have different colurs so that they can be seen)

With G2antt1
	.DefaultItemHeight = 22
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	With .Chart
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		.FirstVisibleDate = #12/28/2000#
		.LevelCount = 2
		.Bars.Copy("Task","NTask").OverlaidType = exOverlaidBarsOffset
	End With
	With .Items
		h1 = .AddItem("Default")
		.AddBar h1,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,"A1"
		.AddBar h1,"Task",#1/3/2001#,#1/5/2001#,"A2"
		.AddBar h1,"Task",#1/4/2001#,#1/7/2001#,"A3"
		h2 = .AddItem("Overlaid")
		.AddBar h2,"NTask",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,"A1"
		.AddBar h2,"NTask",#1/3/2001#,#1/5/2001#,"A2"
		.AddBar h2,"NTask",#1/4/2001#,#1/7/2001#,"A3"
		.GroupBars h1,"A1",True,h2,"A1",True
		.GroupBars h1,"A1",False,h2,"A1",False
		.GroupBars h1,"A2",True,h2,"A2",True
		.GroupBars h1,"A2",False,h2,"A2",False
		.GroupBars h1,"A3",True,h2,"A3",True
		.GroupBars h1,"A3",False,h2,"A3",False
	End With
End With
My skin(EBN) bars are not shown a different color in the overview. What can I do

With G2antt1
	.VisualAppearance.Add 1,"c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn"
	With .Chart
		.Bars.Item("Task").Color = &H1000000
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		.OverviewVisible = exOverviewShowAllVisible
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/11/2001#
		.LevelCount = 2
	End With
	.Columns.Add "Column"
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Task 1")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,1
		.AddBar h,"Task",#2/2/2001#,#2/4/2001#,2
		.ItemBar(h,2,exBarColor) = 16776960
		h = .AddItem("Task 2")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#2/2/2001#,#2/4/2001#,""
		.ItemBar(h,"",exBarColor) = 255
	End With
End With
How do I colour the lines in the overview section to match the bars they represent on the main chart

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		.OverviewVisible = exOverviewShowAllVisible
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.LevelCount = 2
	End With
	.Columns.Add "Column"
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Task 1")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,1
		.AddBar h,"Task",#2/2/2001#,#2/4/2001#,2
		h = .AddItem("Task 2")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#2/2/2001#,#2/4/2001#,""
		.ItemBar(h,"",exBarColor) = 255
	End With
End With
How do I catch the delete key (down) on a bar
' KeyDown event - Occurs when the user presses a key while an object has the focus.
Private Sub G2antt1_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer,Shift As Integer)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( KeyCode )
		Debug.Print( Shift )
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #12/27/2000#
		.LevelCount = 2
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		With .Bars.Item("Task")
			.Pattern = exPatternBox
			.Height = 13
		End With
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Task 1")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K1","This is a bit of text that is not clipped"
		h = .AddItem("Task 1")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K1","This is a bit of text that get's clipped"
		.ItemBar(h,"K1",exBarHAlignCaption) = 3
		.ItemBar(h,"K1",exBarToolTip) = .ItemBar(h,"K1",exBarCaption)
	End With
End With
Is it possible to colour a particular column, I mean the cell's foreground color
With G2antt1
	With .ConditionalFormats.Add("1")
		.ForeColor = RGB(255,0,0)
		.ApplyTo = &H1
	End With
	.MarkSearchColumn = False
	With .Columns
		.Add "Column 1"
		.Add "Column 2"
	End With
	With .Items
		.CellValue(.AddItem(0),1) = 1
		.CellValue(.AddItem(2),1) = 3
		.CellValue(.AddItem(4),1) = 5
	End With
End With
Is it possible to colour a particular column for specified values
With G2antt1
	With .ConditionalFormats.Add("int(%1) in (3,4,5)")
		.BackColor = RGB(255,0,0)
		.ApplyTo = &H1
	End With
	.MarkSearchColumn = False
	With .Columns
		.Add "Column 1"
		.Add "Column 2"
	End With
	With .Items
		.CellValue(.AddItem(0),1) = 1
		.CellValue(.AddItem(2),1) = 3
		.CellValue(.AddItem(4),1) = 5
	End With
End With
Is it possible to colour a particular column
With G2antt1
	.MarkSearchColumn = False
	With .Columns
		.Add "Column 1"
		.Add("Column 2").Def(exCellBackColor) = 255
	End With
	With .Items
		.CellValue(.AddItem(0),1) = 1
		.CellValue(.AddItem(2),1) = 3
		.CellValue(.AddItem(4),1) = 5
	End With
End With
How do i get all the children items that are under a certain parent Item handle
With G2antt1
	.LinesAtRoot = exLinesAtRoot
	.Columns.Add "P"
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root")
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 2"
		.ExpandItem(h) = True
	End With
	With .Items
		hChild = .ItemChild(.FirstVisibleItem)
		Debug.Print( .CellValue(hChild,0) )
		Debug.Print( .CellValue(.NextSiblingItem(hChild),0) )
	End With
End With
How can I access the control's scroll bar so I can change its appearance
With G2antt1
	.Chart.PaneWidth(False) = 0
	.VisualAppearance.Add 1,"c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn"
	.Background(exHSThumb) = &H1000000
End With
How can I show my bars using the parts of the current theme
With G2antt1
	With .VisualAppearance
		.Add 1,"XP:Button 1 1"
		.Add 2,"XP:Button 1 2"
		.Add 3,"XP:ScrollBar 3 1"
		.Add 4,"XP:ScrollBar 3 2"
	End With
	With .Chart
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		With .Bars
			.Add("B1").Color = &H1000000
			.Add("B2").Color = &H2000000
			.Add("S1").Color = &H3000000
			.Add("S2").Color = &H4000000
		End With
	End With
	.Columns.Add "Column"
	With .Items
		.AddBar .AddItem("Button1"),"B1",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#
		.AddBar .AddItem("Button 2"),"B2",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#
		.AddBar .AddItem("Scrollbar 1"),"S1",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#
		.AddBar .AddItem("Scrollbar 2"),"S2",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#
	End With
End With
How do I hide the text on a bar if the text is to big for the bar length

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #12/27/2000#
		.LevelCount = 2
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		With .Bars.Item("Task")
			.Pattern = exPatternBox
			.Height = 13
		End With
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Task 1")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K1","This is a bit of text that is not clipped"
		h = .AddItem("Task 1")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K1","This is a bit of text that get's clipped"
		.ItemBar(h,"K1",exBarHAlignCaption) = 3
		.ItemBar(h,"K1",exBarToolTip) = .ItemBar(h,"K1",exBarCaption)
	End With
End With
Is it possible to change the color for non-working parts of the bar

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	With .Chart
		.LevelCount = 2
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.Bars.Add("Task:Split").Shortcut = "Task"
		.NonworkingDaysColor = RGB(240,250,240)
	End With
	With .Items
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task 1"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/16/2001#
		h = .AddItem("Task 2")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/16/2001#,""
		.ItemBar(h,"",exBarNonWorkingColor) = 65280
	End With
End With
Is it possible to change the color for the percent bar being displayed inside a specified bar only

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	.Chart.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
	.Chart.Bars.Add "Task%Progress"
	.Chart.PaneWidth(False) = 48
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Task 1")
		.AddBar h,"Task%Progress",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K1"
		.ItemBar(h,"K1",exBarPercent) = 0.4
		h = .AddItem("Task 2")
		.AddBar h,"Task%Progress",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K1"
		.ItemBar(h,"K1",exBarPercent) = 0.5
		.ItemBar(h,"K1",exBarPercentColor) = 255
	End With
End With
How do I get a handle on the item before adding the bar
With G2antt1
	.MarkSearchColumn = False
	.OnResizeControl = exResizeChart
	.Columns.Add "Tasks"
	.Columns.Add("Start").Visible = False
	.Columns.Add("End").Visible = False
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #9/20/2006#
		.PaneWidth(0) = 64
		.LevelCount = 2
	End With
	With .Items
		h1 = .AddItem("Task 0")
		.CellValue(h1,1) = #9/21/2006#
		.CellValue(h1,2) = #9/24/2006#
		.AddBar h1,"Task",.CellValue(h1,1),.CellValue(h1,2)
		h2 = .InsertItem(h,,"Task 1")
		.CellValue(h2,1) = #9/25/2006#
		.CellValue(h2,2) = #9/28/2006#
		.AddBar h2,"Task",.CellValue(h2,1),.CellValue(h2,2)
		h3 = .InsertItem(h,,"Task 2")
		.CellValue(h3,1) = #9/29/2006#
		.CellValue(h3,2) = #10/2/2006#
		.AddBar h3,"Task",.CellValue(h3,1),.CellValue(h3,2)
		.AddItem .ItemCount
	End With
End With
Is there an Items method that I can use to loop around to compare the item's user data against
With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Default"
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root 1")
		.InsertItem h,,"Child 1"
		.ItemData(.InsertItem(h,,"Child 2")) = 1234
		.ExpandItem(h) = True
		.ItemBold(.FindItemData(1234)) = True
	End With
End With
How do I make the tooltip box wider to allow for longer text

With G2antt1
	.ToolTipWidth = 328
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Task 1")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,"K1"
		.ItemBar(h,"K1",exBarToolTip) = "This is a bit of text that's displayed when the cursor hovers the bar"
	End With
End With
How do i set the default timeslots to say hours or minutes

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		.OverviewVisible = exOverviewShowAllVisible
		.LevelCount = 2
		.AllowOverviewZoom = exAlwaysZoom
		.OverviewZoomUnit = 24
		.OverviewZoomCaption = "Y|½Y|¼Y|Mo|T|W|D|H|Mi|S"
		.UnitScale = exMinute
	End With
	.Columns.Add "Column"
	With .Items
		.AddBar .AddItem("Item 1"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#
		.AddBar .AddItem("Item 2"),"Task",#1/16/2001#,#1/25/2001#
		.AddBar .AddItem("Item 3"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#
		.AddBar .AddItem("Item 4"),"Task",#2/16/2001#,#2/25/2001#
	End With
End With
Can I use icons or images in the text in the overview zoom buttons (Sec., Min., Hour, Month...)

With G2antt1
	.HTMLPicture("pic1") = "c:\exontrol\images\zipdisk.gif"
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		.OverviewVisible = exOverviewShowAllVisible
		.LevelCount = 2
		.AllowOverviewZoom = exAlwaysZoom
		.OverviewZoomUnit = 24
		.OverviewHeight = 58
		.OverviewZoomCaption = "Y<br>e<br>a<br>r|½Y|¼Y|M<br>o<br>n<br>t<br>h|T|W<br>e<br>e<br>w|<img>pic1:28<img>|H<br>o<br>u<br>r|M<br>i<br>n|S<br>e<br>c"
	End With
	.Columns.Add "Column"
	With .Items
		.AddBar .AddItem("Item 1"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#
		.AddBar .AddItem("Item 2"),"Task",#1/16/2001#,#1/25/2001#
		.AddBar .AddItem("Item 3"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#
		.AddBar .AddItem("Item 4"),"Task",#2/16/2001#,#2/25/2001#
	End With
End With
Can I use icons or images in the text in the overview zoom buttons (Sec., Min., Hour, Month...)

With G2antt1
	.Images "gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTq" & _
"lVq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m" & _
"0ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qOx3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/y" & _
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		.OverviewVisible = exOverviewShowAllVisible
		.LevelCount = 2
		.AllowOverviewZoom = exAlwaysZoom
		.OverviewZoomUnit = 24
		.OverviewZoomCaption = "Y|½Y|¼Y|<img>2<img>|T|W|<img>1<img>|H|M|S"
	End With
	.Columns.Add "Column"
	With .Items
		.AddBar .AddItem("Item 1"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#
		.AddBar .AddItem("Item 2"),"Task",#1/16/2001#,#1/25/2001#
		.AddBar .AddItem("Item 3"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#
		.AddBar .AddItem("Item 4"),"Task",#2/16/2001#,#2/25/2001#
	End With
End With
How do I change (for localisation) the text in the buttons like (Sec., Min., Hour, Month...)
With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		.OverviewVisible = exOverviewShowAllVisible
		.LevelCount = 2
		.AllowOverviewZoom = exAlwaysZoom
		.OverviewZoomUnit = 24
		.OverviewZoomCaption = "Y|½Y|¼Y|Mo|T|W|D|H|Mi|S"
	End With
	.Columns.Add "Column"
	With .Items
		.AddBar .AddItem("Item 1"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#
		.AddBar .AddItem("Item 2"),"Task",#1/16/2001#,#1/25/2001#
		.AddBar .AddItem("Item 3"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#
		.AddBar .AddItem("Item 4"),"Task",#2/16/2001#,#2/25/2001#
	End With
End With
How I can change the Months and Weekdays

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.PaneWidth(False) = 0
		.FirstVisibleDate = #2/1/2010#
		.LevelCount = 2
		.UnitWidth = 10
		.MonthNames = "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12"
		.WeekDays = "A B C D E F G"
		With .Level(0)
			.Label = "<%mmmm%>"
			.Unit = exMonth
		End With
		With .Level(1)
			.Label = "<font ;6><%ddd%>"
			.Unit = exDay
		End With
	End With
End With
How do i get the current window time frame (the start and end) of the gantt chart
' DateChange event - Occurs when the first visible date is changed.
Private Sub G2antt1_DateChange()
	With G2antt1
		With .Chart
			Debug.Print( "Start" )
			Debug.Print( .FirstVisibleDate )
			Debug.Print( "" )
			Debug.Print( "End" )
			Debug.Print( .DateFromPoint(.PaneWidth(True),0) )
		End With
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.PaneWidth(False) = 1
		.LevelCount = 2
		.ScrollTo #1/1/2010#,0
	End With
End With
When I use this Chart.get_DateFromPoint(exg2antt1.Width, 0) I get date as 0, 30/12/1899, or 12:00:00 AM. What that means
' MouseMove event - Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Private Sub G2antt1_MouseMove(Button As Integer,Shift As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( .Chart.DateFromPoint(-1,-1) )
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		.LevelCount = 2
	End With
End With
How do I enable grabing bars to other items/rows (and only enable them to be dropped on certain rows)
' BarParentChange event - Occurs just before moving a bar from current item to another item.
Private Sub G2antt1_BarParentChange(ByVal Item As EXG2ANTTLibCtl.HITEM,ByVal Key As Variant,ByVal NewItem As EXG2ANTTLibCtl.HITEM,Cancel As Boolean)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( .Items.CellCaption(NewItem,0) )
		Cancel = .Items.ItemData(NewItem)
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		.AllowLinkBars = False
		.Bars.Item("Task").OverlaidType = OverlaidBarsTypeEnum.exOverlaidBarsTransparent Or OverlaidBarsTypeEnum.exOverlaidBarsOffset
	End With
	.Columns.Add "Column"
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Item 1")
		.EnableItem(h) = False
		.ItemData(h) = -1
		h = .AddItem("Item 2")
		.ItemData(h) = 0
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/5/2001#,#1/7/2001#,"B"
		.ItemBar(h,"B",exBarCanMoveToAnother) = True
		.ItemData(.AddItem("Item 3")) = 0
		h = .AddItem("Item 4")
		.EnableItem(h) = False
		.ItemData(h) = -1
	End With
End With
How can I find out if a date time is a non-working part
' MouseMove event - Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Private Sub G2antt1_MouseMove(Button As Integer,Shift As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single)
	With G2antt1
		h = .ItemFromPoint(-1,-1,c,hit)
		d = .Chart.DateFromPoint(-1,-1)
		Debug.Print( d )
		Debug.Print( .Chart.IsNonworkingDate(d,h) )
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "NonWorking"
	With .Chart
		.FirstWeekDay = exMonday
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/24/2008#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 64
		.LevelCount = 2
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Default")
		h = .AddItem("January")
		.ItemNonworkingUnits(h,False) = "month(value) = 1"
		h = .AddItem("February, Saturday, Sunday")
		.ItemNonworkingUnits(h,False) = "month(value) = 2 or (weekday(value) = 0 or weekday(value) = 6)"
		h = .AddItem("Sunday")
		.ItemNonworkingUnits(h,False) = "weekday(value) = 0"
	End With
End With
I am using the ItemBar property exBarCanMoveToAnother, How do I stop it from being dropped on certain chart rows
' BarParentChange event - Occurs just before moving a bar from current item to another item.
Private Sub G2antt1_BarParentChange(ByVal Item As EXG2ANTTLibCtl.HITEM,ByVal Key As Variant,ByVal NewItem As EXG2ANTTLibCtl.HITEM,Cancel As Boolean)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( .Items.CellCaption(NewItem,0) )
		Cancel = .Items.ItemData(NewItem)
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		.AllowLinkBars = False
		.Bars.Item("Task").OverlaidType = OverlaidBarsTypeEnum.exOverlaidBarsTransparent Or OverlaidBarsTypeEnum.exOverlaidBarsOffset
	End With
	.Columns.Add "Column"
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Item 1")
		.EnableItem(h) = False
		.ItemData(h) = -1
		h = .AddItem("Item 2")
		.ItemData(h) = 0
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/5/2001#,#1/7/2001#,"B"
		.ItemBar(h,"B",exBarCanMoveToAnother) = True
		.ItemData(.AddItem("Item 3")) = 0
		.ItemData(.AddItem("Item 4")) = 0
	End With
End With
What is the event I should use to capture the click event on the task item on left hand side
' Click event - Occurs when the user presses and then releases the left mouse button over the tree control.
Private Sub G2antt1_Click()
	With G2antt1
		h = .ItemFromPoint(-1,-1,c,hit)
		Debug.Print( .Items.CellCaption(h,c) )
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	.LinesAtRoot = exLinesAtRoot
	.Columns.Add "Items"
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("R1")
		.InsertItem h,,"Cell 1.1"
		.InsertItem h,,"Cell 1.2"
		.ExpandItem(h) = True
		h = .AddItem("R2")
		.InsertItem h,,"Cell 2.1"
		.InsertItem h,,"Cell 2.2"
		.ExpandItem(h) = True
	End With
End With
Can I add a hyperlink assigned to a bar

' AnchorClick event - Occurs when an anchor element is clicked.
Private Sub G2antt1_AnchorClick(ByVal AnchorID As String,ByVal Options As String)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( AnchorID )
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Task 1")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K"
		.ItemBar(h,"K",exBarCaption) = "default"
		.ItemBar(h,"K",exBarHAlignCaption) = 18
		h = .AddItem("Task 2")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K"
		.ItemBar(h,"K",exBarCaption) = "<a1><b>A 1</b></a>"
		.ItemBar(h,"K",exBarHAlignCaption) = 18
		h = .AddItem("Task 3")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K"
		.ItemBar(h,"K",exBarCaption) = "<a2><b>A 2</b></a>"
		.ItemBar(h,"K",exBarHAlignCaption) = 18
	End With
End With
Can I change the background color only for the text (caption) in a bar

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Task 1")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K"
		.ItemBar(h,"K",exBarCaption) = "default"
		.ItemBar(h,"K",exBarHAlignCaption) = 18
		h = .AddItem("Task 2")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K"
		.ItemBar(h,"K",exBarCaption) = "using <bgcolor=FF0000>bgcolor</bgcolor> HTML attribute "
		.ItemBar(h,"K",exBarHAlignCaption) = 18
	End With
End With
Can I change the font to display the text (caption) in a bar

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Task 1")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K"
		.ItemBar(h,"K",exBarCaption) = "default"
		.ItemBar(h,"K",exBarHAlignCaption) = 18
		h = .AddItem("Task 2")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K"
		.ItemBar(h,"K",exBarCaption) = "<font Segoe UI;8 >using font HTML attribute </fgcolor>"
		.ItemBar(h,"K",exBarHAlignCaption) = 18
	End With
End With
How do i change the forecolor of text (caption) in a bar

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Task 1")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K"
		.ItemBar(h,"K",exBarCaption) = "default"
		.ItemBar(h,"K",exBarHAlignCaption) = 18
		h = .AddItem("Task 2")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K"
		.ItemBar(h,"K",exBarCaption) = "<fgcolor=FF0000>using fgcolor HTML attribute </fgcolor>"
		.ItemBar(h,"K",exBarHAlignCaption) = 18
		h = .AddItem("Task 3")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K"
		.ItemBar(h,"K",exBarCaption) = "using exBarForeColor"
		.ItemBar(h,"K",exBarHAlignCaption) = 18
		.ItemBar(h,"K",exBarForeColor) = 65280
	End With
End With
I have noticed that when scrolling horizontally the chart a tooltip shown. is it possible to actually do the scrolling without showing the tooltip
With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Tasks"
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #6/20/2005#
		.AllowLinkBars = True
		.LevelCount = 2
		.PaneWidth(0) = 48
		.ToolTip = ""
	End With
	With .Items
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task 1"),"Task",#6/21/2005#,#6/25/2005#,"A"
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task 2"),"Task",#6/28/2005#,#7/2/2005#,"B"
	End With
End With
How can I add a bar to be treated as a nonworking part like a "holidays" bar

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.LevelCount = 2
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		.AllowNonworkingBars = True
		.Bars.Add("Task:Split").Shortcut = "Task"
	End With
	.Columns.Add "Tasks"
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Task 1")
		.ItemNonworkingUnits(h,False) = "weekday(value) in (0,6)"
		.AddBar h,"",#1/2/2001#,#1/5/2001#,"A","holyday"
		.ItemBar(h,"A",exBarTreatAsNonworking) = True
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/5/2001#,#1/12/2001#,"Z"
		.ItemBar(h,"Z",exBarKeepWorkingCount) = True
	End With
End With
Is it possible to add bars that act like a non-working fixed part or the item

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.LevelCount = 2
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		.AllowNonworkingBars = True
	End With
	.Columns.Add "Tasks"
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Task 1")
		.ItemNonworkingUnits(h,False) = "weekday(value) in (0,6)"
		.AddBar h,"",#1/3/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"h","holyday"
		.ItemBar(h,"h",exBarTreatAsNonworking) = True
		.ItemBar(h,"h",exBarSelectable) = False
	End With
End With
Is it possible to add bars that act like a non-working part or the item

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
		.LevelCount = 2
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		.AllowNonworkingBars = True
	End With
	.Columns.Add "Tasks"
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Task 1")
		.ItemNonworkingUnits(h,False) = "weekday(value) in (0,6)"
		.AddBar h,"",#1/3/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"h","holyday"
		.ItemBar(h,"h",exBarTreatAsNonworking) = True
	End With
End With
How can I change the both dates for the bar at once
With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Tasks"
	With .Chart
		.PaneWidth(0) = 64
		.FirstVisibleDate = #6/21/2005#
		.ShowEmptyBars = 1
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Test")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#6/22/2005#,#6/26/2005#,""
		.AddBar h,"Task",#6/27/2005#,#6/29/2005#
	End With
End With
How can I get the selected bars in the chart

' ChartSelectionChanged event - Occurs when the user selects objects in the chart area.
Private Sub G2antt1_ChartSelectionChanged()
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( .Items.SelectedObjects(exSelectBarsOnly) )
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Tasks"
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #6/20/2005#
		.AllowLinkBars = True
		.LevelCount = 2
		.PaneWidth(0) = 48
	End With
	With .Items
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task 1"),"Task",#6/21/2005#,#6/25/2005#,"A"
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task 2"),"Task",#6/28/2005#,#7/2/2005#,"B"
		.ItemBar(.FirstVisibleItem,.FirstItemBar(.FirstVisibleItem),exBarSelected) = True
	End With
End With
How can I list the actions that can be performed by undo operations
' ChartEndChanging event - Occurs after the chart has been changed.
Private Sub G2antt1_ChartEndChanging(ByVal Operation As EXG2ANTTLibCtl.BarOperationEnum)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( .Chart.UndoListAction() )
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	.Chart.FirstVisibleDate = #1/1/2001#
	.Chart.AllowLinkBars = False
	.Chart.Bars.Item("Task").OverlaidType = OverlaidBarsTypeEnum.exOverlaidBarsTransparent Or OverlaidBarsTypeEnum.exOverlaidBarsOffset
	.Chart.AllowUndoRedo = True
	.Chart.PaneWidth(False) = 32
	.Chart.Bars.Add("Task:Split").Shortcut = "Task"
	.Columns.Add "Column"
	With .Items
		.AddBar .AddItem("Item 1"),"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,"A"
		h = .AddItem("Item 2")
		.AddBar h,"Task",#1/5/2001#,#1/9/2001#,"B"
		.ItemBar(h,"B",exBarCanMoveToAnother) = True
		.ItemBar(h,"B",exBarKeepWorkingCount) = True
		.ItemNonworkingUnits(.AddItem("Item 3"),False) = "weekday(value)=0"
		.ItemNonworkingUnits(.AddItem("Item 4"),False) = "weekday(value) in (3,5)"
	End With
End With
How can I change the predefined labels being displayed in the chart's header so it shows the data in short format with no literals

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.PaneWidth(False) = 0
		.AllowOverviewZoom = exAlwaysZoom
		.OverviewVisible = exOverviewShowAllVisible
		.LevelCount = 3
		.Label(exYear) = "<%yy%><|><%yyyy%>"
		.Label(exHalfYear) = ""
		.Label(exQuarterYear) = ""
		.Label(exMonth) = "<|><%m%><|><%m%>/<%yy%><|><%m%>/<%yyyy%>"
		.Label(exThirdMonth) = ""
		.Label(exWeek) = "<|><%ww%><|><%m%>/<%d%>/<%yy%><r><%ww%><|><%m%>/<%d%>/<%yyyy%><r><%ww%><||><||>256"
		.Label(exDay) = "<|><%d%><|><%m%>/<%d%>/<%yy%><|><%m%>/<%d%>/<%yyyy%><||><||>4096"
		.Label(exHour) = "<|><%hh%><|><%m%>/<%d%>/<%yy%> <%h%> <%AM/PM%><|><%m%>/<%d%>/<%yyyy%> <%h%> <%AM/PM%><||><||>65536"
		.Label(exMinute) = "<|><%nn%><|><%h%>:<%nn% <%AM/PM%>><|><%m%>/<%d%>/<%yy%> <%h%>:<%nn%> <%AM/PM%><|><%m%>/<%d%>/<%yyyy%> <%h%>:<%nn%> <%AM/PM%>"
		.Label(exSecond) = "<|><%ss%><|><%nn%>:<%ss%><|><%h%>:<%nn%>:<%ss%> <%AM/PM%><|><%m%>/<%d%>/<%yy%> <%h%>:<%nn%>:<%ss%> <%AM/PM%><|><%m%>/<%d%>/<%yy" & _
"yy%> <%h%>:<%nn%>:<%ss%> <%AM/PM%>"
		.LabelToolTip(exYear) = "<%yyyy%>"
		.LabelToolTip(exHalfYear) = ""
		.LabelToolTip(exQuarterYear) = ""
		.LabelToolTip(exMonth) = "<%m%>/<%yyyy%>"
		.LabelToolTip(exThirdMonth) = ""
		.LabelToolTip(exWeek) = "<%m%>/<%d%>/<%yyyy%> <%ww%>"
		.LabelToolTip(exDay) = "<%m%>/<%d%>/<%yyyy%>"
		.LabelToolTip(exHour) = "<%m%>/<%d%>/<%yyyy%> <%h%> <%AM/PM%>"
		.LabelToolTip(exMinute) = "<%m%>/<%d%>/<%yyyy%> <%h%>:<%nn%> <%AM/PM%>"
		.LabelToolTip(exSecond) = "<%m%>/<%d%>/<%yyyy%> <%h%>:<%nn%>:<%ss%> <%AM/PM%>"
		.UnitScale = exDay
	End With
End With
The histogram does not show (correctly) the bars, even if I changed the Bar.HistogramPattern and Bar.HistogramColor properties. What can be wrong

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.PaneWidth(False) = 48
		.FirstVisibleDate = #12/27/2000#
		.HistogramVisible = True
		.HistogramHeight = 32
		With .Bars.Item("Task")
			.HistogramPattern = exPatternBDiagonal
			.HistogramColor = RGB(255,0,0)
		End With
		.ResizeUnitScale = exHour
	End With
	.Columns.Add "Column"
	With .Items
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task 1"),"Task",#1/2/2001 8:00:00 AM#,#1/2/2001 0:00:00 PM#
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task 2"),"Task",#1/1/2001 8:00:00 AM#,#1/5/2001 0:00:00 PM#
	End With
End With
How can I change the default key for the newly added link from "Link1" to my identifier
' AddLink event - Occurs when the user links two bars using the mouse.
Private Sub G2antt1_AddLink(ByVal LinkKey As String)
	With G2antt1
		With .Items
			.AddLink "newIDlink",.Link(LinkKey,exLinkStartItem),.Link(LinkKey,exLinkStartBar),.Link(LinkKey,exLinkEndItem),.Link(LinkKey,exLinkEndBar)
			.RemoveLink LinkKey
		End With
	End With
End Sub

' MouseMove event - Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Private Sub G2antt1_MouseMove(Button As Integer,Shift As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( .Chart.LinkFromPoint(-1,-1) )
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Tasks"
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #6/20/2005#
		.AllowLinkBars = True
		.LevelCount = 2
		.PaneWidth(0) = 48
	End With
	With .Items
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task 1"),"Task",#6/21/2005#,#6/25/2005#,""
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task 2"),"Task",#6/28/2005#,#7/2/2005#,""
	End With
End With
How can I change the default key for the newly added link from "Link1" to my identifier
' AllowLink event - Notifies at runtime when a link between two bars is possible.
Private Sub G2antt1_AllowLink(ByVal StartItem As EXG2ANTTLibCtl.HITEM,ByVal StartBarKey As Variant,ByVal EndItem As EXG2ANTTLibCtl.HITEM,ByVal EndBarKey As Variant,LinkKey As Variant,Cancel As Boolean)
	With G2antt1
		LinkKey = "newIDlink"
	End With
End Sub

' MouseMove event - Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Private Sub G2antt1_MouseMove(Button As Integer,Shift As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( .Chart.LinkFromPoint(-1,-1) )
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Tasks"
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #6/20/2005#
		.AllowLinkBars = True
		.LevelCount = 2
		.PaneWidth(0) = 48
	End With
	With .Items
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task 1"),"Task",#6/21/2005#,#6/25/2005#,""
		.AddBar .AddItem("Task 2"),"Task",#6/28/2005#,#7/2/2005#,""
	End With
End With
We want to have a Task ID column as the first column that shows the row number. How can we do that
' FormatColumn event - Fired when a cell requires to format its caption.
Private Sub G2antt1_FormatColumn(ByVal Item As EXG2ANTTLibCtl.HITEM,ByVal ColIndex As Long,Value As Variant)
	With G2antt1
		Value = .Items.ItemPosition(Item)
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	With .Columns.Add("Pos")
		.Width = 24
		.AllowSizing = False
		.Position = 0
		.FireFormatColumn = True
	End With
	With .Items
		.AddItem "Task A"
		.AddItem "Task B"
		.AddItem "Task C"
		.AddItem "Task D"
	End With
End With
How can I get the caption of focused item
' SelectionChanged event - Fired after a new item has been selected.
Private Sub G2antt1_SelectionChanged()
	With G2antt1
		With .Items
			Debug.Print( "Handle" )
			Debug.Print( .FocusItem )
			Debug.Print( "Caption" )
			Debug.Print( .CellCaption(.FocusItem,0) )
		End With
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	.LinesAtRoot = exLinesAtRoot
	.Columns.Add "Items"
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("R1")
		.InsertItem h,,"Cell 1.1"
		.InsertItem h,,"Cell 1.2"
		.ExpandItem(h) = True
		h = .AddItem("R2")
		.InsertItem h,,"Cell 2.1"
		.InsertItem h,,"Cell 2.2"
		.ExpandItem(h) = True
	End With
End With
How can I get the caption of selected item
' SelectionChanged event - Fired after a new item has been selected.
Private Sub G2antt1_SelectionChanged()
	With G2antt1
		With .Items
			Debug.Print( "Handle" )
			Debug.Print( .SelectedItem(0) )
			Debug.Print( "Caption" )
			Debug.Print( .CellCaption(.SelectedItem(0),0) )
		End With
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	.LinesAtRoot = exLinesAtRoot
	.Columns.Add "Items"
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("R1")
		.InsertItem h,,"Cell 1.1"
		.InsertItem h,,"Cell 1.2"
		.ExpandItem(h) = True
		h = .AddItem("R2")
		.InsertItem h,,"Cell 2.1"
		.InsertItem h,,"Cell 2.2"
		.ExpandItem(h) = True
	End With
End With
How can I get the link from the point

' MouseMove event - Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Private Sub G2antt1_MouseMove(Button As Integer,Shift As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( .Chart.LinkFromPoint(-1,-1) )
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #12/29/2000#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 64
		.LevelCount = 2
	End With
	With .Items
		h1 = .AddItem("Task 1")
		.AddBar h1,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,"K1"
		h2 = .AddItem("Task 2")
		.AddBar h2,"Task",#1/5/2001#,#1/7/2001#,"K2"
		.AddLink "L1",h1,"K1",h2,"K2"
		.Link("L1",exLinkText) = "L1"
		h3 = .AddItem("Task 3")
		.AddBar h3,"Task",#1/8/2001#,#1/10/2001#,"K3"
		.AddLink "L2",h2,"K2",h3,"K3"
		.Link("L2",exLinkText) = "L2"
	End With
End With
How can I get the bar from the point

' MouseMove event - Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Private Sub G2antt1_MouseMove(Button As Integer,Shift As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( .Chart.BarFromPoint(-1,-1) )
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	.Columns.Add "Task"
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #12/29/2000#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 64
		.LevelCount = 2
	End With
	With .Items
		h1 = .AddItem("Task 1")
		.AddBar h1,"Task",#1/2/2001#,#1/4/2001#,"K1"
		h2 = .AddItem("Task 2")
		.AddBar h2,"Task",#1/4/2001#,#1/6/2001#,"K2"
		.AddLink "L1",h1,"K1",h2,"K2"
		h3 = .AddItem("Task 3")
		.AddBar h3,"Task",#1/8/2001#,#1/10/2001#,"K3"
		.AddLink "L2",h2,"K2",h3,"K3"
	End With
End With
How can I get the level from the cursor

' MouseMove event - Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Private Sub G2antt1_MouseMove(Button As Integer,Shift As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( .Chart.LevelFromPoint(-1,-1) )
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.FirstVisibleDate = #6/25/2010#
		.PaneWidth(False) = 0
		.LevelCount = 4
	End With
End With
How can I get the date from the cursor

' MouseMove event - Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Private Sub G2antt1_MouseMove(Button As Integer,Shift As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single)
	With G2antt1
		Debug.Print( .Chart.DateFromPoint(-1,-1) )
	End With
End Sub

With G2antt1
	With .Chart
		.PaneWidth(False) = 0
		.LevelCount = 2
	End With
End With